Digital illustrations
Eva-Lotta Kastilan-Ezer
artist - illustrator
"Hi! I just want to say that I think you are amazingly talented. It seems that you have captured the life and joy in my children's eyes, thank you"

Now you can order portraits in pastel - in color!
When I create, I feel the person or the animal and this helps me to make the personality visible and alive in my drawings. Quality and sensitivity are my most important guiding principles in my work as an artist.
It's easy to order a portrait of a person or your fur lover - your dear pets. You only need to send pictures as a reference that I can use as a basis for the drawing.
When I'm done, I'll send you a photo of the drawing that you can approve. At that stage, there is still the opportunity to change a little. Once you have approved, you pay and I send the drawing in a sturdy envelope.
The price depends on how big the picture should be, whether it should be in color or pencil and how many people should be in the picture.
Prices are calculated from working hours + materials.
After we have talked about what you want to order, I create an agreement. When ordering, you first pay a partial sum of 20 € -50 € (depending on the final price) as security. The sum is included in the total price. The security is not returned if you suddenly decide to cancel the order.
Payment is made through Paypal if you live outside Finland. Otherwise it is also possible to pay to my bank account or cash.
Feel free to contact us if you have any questions or want to order here .